A Metaverse-based workshop for intersectional innovation
Advised by Dr. Ahmed Ansari
In collaboration with Parallux

M.S. Thesis
NYU Tandon
Design Challenge
How might we help dispersed teams bring together seemingly unrelated ideas to achieve intersectional and innovative solutions?
Proposed Solution
A Metaverse-based workshop that helps dispersed teams find innovative solutions to complicated problems. The immersive space and detailed exercises help users understand their particular challenge and applicable techniques, solutions, or strategies from unrelated industries.

In order for innovation to be groundbreaking it must combine ideas in new and unpredictable ways. This unpredictable nature makes inspiration difficult to systemize.
The Workshop

In first room of the Metaverse space, the workshop facilitator introduces the user to Intersectional innovation, which is the combination of seemingly unrelated ideas at the intersection of different industries or fields for unexpected outcomes.

Phase 1:
Understand the Problem
Define the challenge
Understand the stakeholders
Explore the root of the problem
Find the themes present in the challenge

Phase 2:
Lower Associative Barriers
Learn about associated barriers
Challenge assumptions
Random Association (break)
What if? (Constraint based divergent thinking

Phase 3:
(Using the intersectional database)
Using identified themes, find other industries with similar problems
Consider techniques, strategies and solutions from these industries

Phase 4:
Solo brainstorming
Brainstorm in pairs
Groups of four

Convergence/Next Steps
The facilitator guides users through a process of deciding which ideas to move forward and plan the next steps to realizing them.
Double Diamond Design Methodology
The Double Diamond methodology outlines four distinct phases of the design process: Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver. This approach allowed me to explore and validate ideas through a process of divergence (expanding possibilities) and convergence (refining and selecting the most promising options).
Expert Interviews
User Surveys
Literature Review
Competitive Analysis
Synthesize Key Insights
Affinity Mapping
Persona Creation
LoFi Prototypes
Test and Refine:
Workshop Method
Innovation Database
Immersive Space
Affinity Mapping

Diversify collaboration
To bring together a broader range of ideas
Lower associative barriers
To encourage divergent and abstract thinking
To find parallels in other contexts
Filter Solutions
To easily find applicable fit
Natural Interactions
Encourage free flowing ideas
This allowed me to define the overall design challenge:
How might we facilitate teams of diverse collaborators to achieve intersectional innovation?
Ideation &
Early Prototypes
Idea 1:
Structuring Inclusion for Innovation
A system that creates the most diverse teams possible in order to gather their unique perspectives.

Diversity metric scorecard + match-making software to formulate a team
Match participants for most diversity
Provide team with a challenge
- Measure innovation output
Just diversity combinations
Diverse locations v diversity in education result in best ideas
ML to predict best aspects to emphasize for innovation.
Difficult market fit
Potential for negative impact on diversity initiatives
Idea 2:
Biomimicry for Humanity
A card game in which users solve problems using biological techniques, strategies, and solutions

The players are presented with a problem and select solution from a set of biological strategies they had been dealt.
The dealer decides the best solution of the biological strategies submitted
The player who accumulates the most “best solutions” wins the game.
The game is an exercise for abstract thinking rather than a solution that inspired true innovation
Providing the problem makes the solutions less useful
Idea 3:
Biomimicry Metaverse

Decontextualize problem & identify theme/function
Explore function-themed gallery of biological strategies
Spontaneous conversations with other users, likely from different backgrounds and industries, can incorporate diverse perspectives
Biological strategies too limiting
Potential spontaneous interactions are unreliable

Decontextualize the problem from it's industry, find themes, and explore potentially applicable biological solutions
Idea 4:
Metaverse workshop for Intersectional Innovation

I broke this down into 3 tasks:
Develop the Workshop
Create the Metaverse Space
Design the Database
Developing the Workshop
Prototype 1:
Bubble Map of Exercises
1. Understand the Problem

3 Rounds on Zoom with verbal prompts
User debrief and observational metrics
2. Lower Associative Barriers

3. Inspiration and Ideation
Rounds lasted 1-2.5 hours
No group got through all phases
Problems around regulation are unsuitable
process was long and exhausting
Participants may go down unhelpful trains of thought
Prototype 2:
Infographic Exercises

2 Rounds on Zoom
Interactive in FigJam
User debrief and observational metrics
Participants were least engaged when exploring stakeholders and problem roots
Most insightful exercises: abstract thinking "what if?"
Users need rapid pacing encouragement during the Understand phase
Users need a better overview of intersectional innovation
Prototype 3:
Metaverse Workshop 1.0

2 Rounds on Zoom with verbal prompts
User debrief and observational metrics
Immersive vs Zoom:
Engagement= "Night and Day"
Process lags in understand phase
Insights into infographic reorganization
Identified distracting elements of the space
Prototype 4:
Metaverse Workshop 2.0

2 Rounds of testing, 10 participants each
User debrief and observational metrics
Facilitator keeps desired rapid pacing of the workshop
Added intro video helps participants understand intersectional innovation and the workshop process
Arrows guiding around the space help participants know where to go
Sticky notes UI is cumbersome
Workshop Introductory Video
Creating the 3D Space
1. Journey Mapping In Figma

Prototyped process of the workshop and placement of various exercises
2. Blueprint designs

Created a floor map based on the different phases and exercises of the workshop
3. 3D Modelling in SketchUp

This process was the most time consuming, as it was a learning process.
Imported the PNGs of the infographics and places on the walls

4. SketchUp to Unity
Collaborated with Parallux engineers Keanan and Connor to transition model into Unity
Colors translate much lighter
4. Unity to Parallux

Collaborated with Parallux Engineers Keanan and Connor to transition onto Metaverse Platform

5. Interactive Tools

Collaborated with Parallux Engineers Keanan and Connor to create sticky notes to use in the space
Not intuitively located
Too many steps to access sticky notes
Can only copy text of note, not entire note

Designing the Database
The database of themes associated with different industries enables the users to look to specific industries that deal with problems similar to the one they are addressing.
This was inspired by Positive deviance: the practice of identifying and learning from individuals or groups who exhibit exceptionally positive behaviors or successful outcomes despite facing similar challenges as others in their community.

Prototype 1:
Concept of industry problems/solutions
A network map of industries, the themes of problems they dealt with, and the particular solutions, techniques, and strategies they employed to address these problems
Creating one for every field/industry is a massive project and must be scoped down
Breadth>Depth to begin
It is more important for the database to be comprehensive in the industries for inspiration rather than offering all solutions within each industry

System map created in Kumu
Prototype 2:
Connecting industries to themes
I prototyped this database with analog sticky notes on poster board. I headed the sticky notes with lists of industries and brainstormed what issues they might deal with.
I added “tags” of other industries they seemed to connect to.
Users will be able to use these connections to themes as a point of ideation for cross industry innovation
Current form offers theme from industry but users will need industry from theme

Sticky notes on poster board for conceptualization
Prototype 3:
Conceptualizing Relationships
I translated this into a google sheet, with columns labeled with the industries and rows labeled with the themes, and x’s in the cells of the industries and themes that corresponded.
Seems like the easiest way to conceptualize the basic connection of themes and industries
Accessing the information is not user-friendly
Need to find a way to access theme from industry input

Google sheet database: comprehensive list of themes and the industries that connect them via coordinate rationality
Prototype 4:
Select themes to view industries
The pivot table created in Excel allows users to select the a theme correlated to the challenge they are addressing, view the industries that deal with other problems of this theme, and thus consider the solutions these industries have found and their applicability.
While users may select more than one theme at a time, the table does not make an industry that falls under both more dominant in the industry output list
Database would be improved by highlighting these industries to indicate a stronger conncection

Pivot table created in Excel allowing users to view the industries that deal with problems similar to their challenge.
One major takeaway was that the Discover and Define phases took far longer than anticipated, this “diamond” truly was half the process. Creating and testing real prototypes seemed the best way to move it forward. An interesting result of this process was the new question “How might we facilitate remote collaboration?” which arose as a result of the primary and secondary research into intersectional innovation.
A goal of mine was to make this project itself an intersectional innovation. I do think that was successful–it lies at the intersection of remote collaboration and innovation strategy. It is also a combination of database technology and design methodologies. I was able to interview someone from another industry (law) that dealt with similar themes (making abstract connections), and incorporated the solution of a database. However, a particular aspect of this was the large number and variety of filters used in legal databases, which I was not able to incorporate into the relatively rudimentary database I created.
The database is the least finished aspect of the project. In its current form, it does not provide the users with the specific strategies from other industries, merely leads them to the industry for ideation inspiration. In this way it does not completely address an initial goal of mine. Future iterations will more successfully address this, and incorporate the filters inspired by legal databases. I envision it as a networked bubble map, selectable by theme and automatically reorganizing based on some selection of Theme→Industry→Field→Specific solution/technique/innovations for inspiration. Ideally future iterations would incorporate this into the immersive space, rather than relying on a screen share. I would also like to explore 3D data visualization–perhaps each node is a sphere in the 3D space rather than a circle on the wall. Another way to take advantage of the virtual space would be to change the setting and skybox to reflect the industry currently providing inspiration.
I would also like to push the workshop exercises further. Stakeholder exploration could be more effective and engaging if users could change their avatars to appear like the stakeholder in question. This could increase empathy, and facilitates restructuring the exercise to an interview format. Randomly generating 3D models in the “Abstract” room could provide an opportunity for unexpected associations and divergent ideation. I would like to test other exercises to potentially add to the workshop. Particular exercises mind mapping (brainstorming related concepts around a central idea), analogy mapping (considering a challenge in a different domain industry and mapping it onto the current problem), and reverse brainstorming (ideate ways to exacerbate the problem, the work backwards to identify root causes).
I would like to increase the accessibility of the workshop. hope to incorporate real time audio transcription so that individuals who experience blindness or low vision might be able to participate. I’ve also been exploring the potential for controlling another person’s avatar, so that someone incapable of navigating might stay with the crowd.
These additions will increase engagement, essential to an exploration of remote collaboration. They will help participants better understand their challenge and engage in further abstract thinking. Providing specific techniques to inspire solutions will increase the likelihood of achieving groundbreaking innovation.